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G Town House  Proposal

Towards Future Dwelling for Gong-Ju


New build | Working with Leonard Design Architects (LDA)


Location : South Korea

Client : Private

Year :  2022

GIA :  166,279 sq.m

stage : Conceptual master plan

Youngin architects and Leonard Design is delivering a masterplan of a Townhouse scheme including Residential, Hot spring club, Hotel, Entertainment, Retail, and Vertical Farm. Development of this scheme is focusing on how we create the activation strategy per residential village where residents and tourists can communicate, interact, and enjoy each other through various unique seasonal events, programmes, and facilities. Design team is continuously developing this scheme to submit the full planning applications in co-operation with multiple Korean local consultants and architects.


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A unique approach to new residential neighbourhoods and unforgettable holidays.

Proposal is to deliver a masterplan for a character driven new neighbourhood of 400 Gongju Townhouses also comprising of a hot spring club, hotel, entertainment, retail, and a vertical farm.

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